Friday 30 December 2016

Boat carrying Ugandan Football Tean atleast 9 dead

The ill-fated yellow boat is brought back ashore from Lake Albert

At least nine people have been killed and 21 others are missing as a boat carrying a football team and its supporters on Lake Albert in western Uganda capsized on Sunday.
Of the 45 people who were on board, 15 people definitely survived, so it is feared that the death toll will eventually reach 30.

The team, from the village of Kaweibanda in the district of Buliisa, were to participate in a friendly match for which they traveled to Runga in Hoima.
According to police commander John Rutagira, too much weight from the 45 people on board caused the sinking of the boat.
Some witnesses also said that at the time of the accident the water was calm.
"They overloaded the ship. Witnesses have told the police that the majority of passengers sat on one side of the boat, which resulted in a loss of balance," added Rutagira.
Police and fishermen proceeded to rescue the passengers who asked for help and so far nine bodies have been recovered.
The overcrowded vessel was carrying some 45 people. Police say the boat became unbalanced when too many passengers moved to one side.
Nine bodies have been recovered, and 15 people have been rescued, reports say.
Boat accidents are fairly common on Lake Albert and in other parts of Africa.
Vessels are often packed with too many people and goods, and in a poor state.
Police commander John Rutagira told AFP news agency that most passengers were drunk by the time they embarked on the boat.
The group, from Buliisa District, was on its way to a Christmas day football match in Hoima District, singing songs and blowing trumpets and whistles.
Fishermen have helped authorities on the rescue operation.
In November, 10 people drowned in Lake Albert on the country's western shore.

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