Monday 16 January 2017

Nigerians criticize Man who insisits that high cost of Sanitary Pads doesn't concern the nation but women only

A Nigerian lady took to her twitter account @GbemmyG, to contribute to the trending topic about the alarming rate at which the price of sanitary pads are increasing in the market. She wrote in a tweet: 
"If Condoms can be free, sanitary pads should be subsidized too. It's N750 now, how are girls in secondary school coping?" 
However, a male twitter user ‏@Olumba_ didn't appear to understand what she was advocating for and replied, saying:

 "Condoms are for the good of the nation. Sanitary pads are your problems, not ours."

Ngerians were of course not going to allow such an ignorant statement pass and dragged him through their replies. See more tweets below...

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