Friday 28 October 2016

Chicago O'Hare Plane fire: American Airline jet aborts take off.

An image taken from a video filmed by a passenger who fled an American Airlines plane after it caught fire at Chicago's O'Hare airport - 28 October 2016

An American Airline plane has caught fire on the run way of Chicago O'Hare Airport while trying to take off.
The Boeing 767 Bound for Miami Blew a tyre and damaged and Engine, the Federal Aviation Administration said.
The Pilot aborted the take off and evacuated everyone on board via emergency chutes as black smokes billowed from the plane.
Seven passengers and a flight attendant were slightly injured and taken to the hospital.
Nine crew members and 161 passengers were on board.

We are taking care of our customers and crew members and are re-accommodating our passengers on another flight to Miami.

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