Tuesday 11 October 2016

Get over it before you get on with it.

We all get battered and bruised by life and that's Inevitable. Some of us come off worse than others, Its the past relationship scars that gives us character and that's the more reason we may need to recover before we get into a new relationship.

In your last relationship, you've been left with a bit of an emotional wreck, its better to repair your damage before you look for a new relationship, lover or partner. Otherwise you wont be able to show them the real you, and you wont be able to focus on them. Lots of people today go for strong and independent lovers and partner.
Do yourself a favor, go away and hide yourself while you lick your wounds. Enjoy your friends and your family and wait until you've recovered a bit before you start looking for a new partner. And when you do find a new partner make sure you pic someone whose scar are relatively well healed too because this works the other way round as well, that way you both can see each other as you really are and start your relationship the best way ever.

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