Tuesday 11 October 2016

Tips for Guys & Girls (Part 2 )

  • Be careful of guys that makes big promises, in most cases they cannot and will never deliver
  • You only have one body, If you damage it there is no replacement.
  • The Aids Virus is many times smaller than the sperm, you can get Aids much more quickly than you can get pregnant.
  • STD have no socioeconomic or class preference.
  • Pregnancy can occur from your first sexual experience.
  • Those who give in to sexual pressure now losses out later in life.
  • Most men who are sexually active prefers virgins when they want to get married.
  • Animals have sex by instinct, human are suppose to have sex by choice.
  • Sex and Love are very different, Sex is a desire, while Love is a decision.
  • Sex never causes people to fall in love cos if sex do , then the world would be a lovable place.
  • Love can be expressed sexually in the right time(marriage).
  • Love create feelings,
  • The fastest ticket to misery is rushing to fall in love, you rush into a relationship you rush out.
  • True friends are friends who respects your convictions.
  • Always listen to love songs and be careful what you feed your mind.
  • Learn to make friends because friends can become good lovers in time to come.
  • Love is patient and kind, be careful of inpatient love.
  • There is no school for love and relationship, you have to educate yourself before you enter.
  • If you have failed sexually, it does not mean you have to stay in failure, Get up and move on.
  • Men do not prefer ladies who have had babies for other men.
  • It is easier and better to know a real person as a friend and not as a lover.
  • Time is one of the greatest asset, Use time as an asset by not rushing into a relationship.

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