Tuesday 11 October 2016

Tips for Guys & Girls (Part 3 )

  • The more you know about the purpose of sex, the less likely you are to abuse it.
  • Men are designed as givers and women are designed as receivers.
  • Learn to treat the opposite sex good while you are young.
  • Never confuse having a good time with being in love.
  • Women will always be more delicate than male, give them adequate attention.
  • A woman is naturally more emotional.
  • Infatuation is when you're madly in love all by yourself and only you know it.
  • Choose an interesting person, with nurtured background and a good goal in life.
  • Trust is most important in a relationship, if you cannot trust someone then you have no relationship.
  • When you fall in love, you might just as quickly fall out of love,
  • Get an education and develop yourself as an individual.
  • Only God knows and can really help us become the best.
  • Put your trust and faith in God.
  • Never play around in relationship by leading the opposite sex.
  • Always be kind and considerate to others.
  • The most difficult relationship is the long distance relationship, Be prayerful.
  • Have self control over yourself.
  • Do not judge people by physical appearance.
  • The most beautiful, cutest and handsome is not always the best, look before you leap.

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